CJ 1010 - Intro to Criminal Justice
My stepfather served in the police force for 20 years, so naturally I have an interest in Criminal Justice. I never used to take the time to really listen to him when he talked about work, but now I’m ready to give my full attention to this subject. I’m hoping to gain a better understanding of the entire Criminal Justice system; from learning about what happens when someone is arrested to learning about how laws are created and enforced. I remember my stepfather always being incredibly involved with his career and I want to understand what he was always taking care of. This online class is going to fulfill my required SS and DV credits; but I’m hoping that it will help bring my stepfather and myself closer together.
Hate Crimes Assignment & Personal Reflection

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During the Hate Crime Victims assignment, I learned that Hate Crimes are not just crimes against race but also crimes against religion, sexual orientation, disability, gender, and gender identity. I was unaware of the huge quantity of hate crimes that occur until I visually saw the statistics from the FBI's Uniform Crime Report. This data shows that hate crimes have been increasing which is hard on our law-enforcement and our communities.
Critical Thinking Assignment & Reflection

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I chose to do my critical thinking assignment on capital punishment, also known as the death penalty. From this assignment I have learned that this controversial issue is much more complex than I originally thought and there are more points of debate than I expected. This assignment has taught me that proper research and investigation is required before I should take a side in a debate. The research conducted for this essay has changed my position from supporting the death penalty to opposing it.